How we helped a Private Debt client to track and monitor the health of each of its portfolio companies

How we helped a Private Credit Fund client to perform a valuation of leveraged loans portfolio quarterly

How we helped an Impact Investing client to analyze and track the performance of portfolio companies in comparison to their peers

FIRM B Performance Scorecard

Businessman presenting financial analysis with charts generated by big data displaying international success and dollar signs

Company A – Board Meeting Presentation

How we provided value-add to a Secondaries advisory firm by revamping their reporting templates

How we assisted a Recruiting firm by maintaining and updating the CRM database of candidates in the Private Equity industry

How we helped a Private Equity firm in tracking performances and updating valuations of portfolio companies quarterly

How we helped a portfolio company of a Private Equity firm to create a monthly board presentation

How we supported a Hedge Fund in tracking their funds’ performance and providing an overview of the competitive landscape